Dennis Unkovic is often invited to comment on current global issues for corporate executives, trade associations, and national media outlets. He has authored more than 175 articles for domestic and international publications. A full bibliography can be found below.
"Is China Invincible?". Pittsburgh Quarterly, Summer 2024 issue.
"No Going Back: The New Global Supply Chain". Interview with Kim Phelan for Casting Source, January 31, 2023.
"How 3D Printing Helps Business Leaders Reimagine the Global Supply Chain". American Express, July 19, 2022.
“The World Looks at an America That Lost Its Way,” The Daily Beast, July 13, 2020.
Contributor to “Bold Action Needed: Patrick Gallagher, Sunil Wadhwani, Dennis Unkovic,” Pittsburgh Quarterly, June 24, 2020.
“High Stakes,” InFocus article in Asia Business Law Journal (May-June 2020)
“Two Elephants in the Room: The Trade War,” Asia Business Law Journal, May-June 2019.
“Why the China-U.S. Tariff War Will Fizzle Out,” Business Law Today (American Bar Association), March 8, 2019.
IPBA Journal (the official publication of the Inter-Pacific Bar Association)
“Investing in America Just Got Tougher” (No. 92, December 2018); “Invest in America – But Don’t Ignore National Security” (No. 71, September 2013); “The Coming Battleground for Technology: The Protection of Trade Secrets” (No. 45, March 2007); “When the Party is Over: Unwinding A Joint Venture in China” (No. 40, December 2005); “Enforcing Arbitration Awards in China” (No. 33, March 2004).
Pittsburgh Quarterly
“China: The New Normal,” Spring 2017; “CEO Profile: Westinghouse’s Aris Candris,” Fall 2009; “6 CEOs Talk about How Business Changed – or Didn’t – After Enron,” Summer 2008; “What’s at Stake?” Spring 2008; “Destination of Choice?” and “An American Lawyer in China,” Winter 2006.
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
“America’s Global Image Stands on a Cliff,” Friday, October 16, 2020; “Dennis Unkovic, Chairman of Meritas, has Big Plans for the 7,000 Attorney Network,” Tuesday, May 26, 2015; “Guidelines for Finding Lawyers for International Work,” (Business Workshop) Tuesday, March 24, 2015; “China: The Western Pennsylvania Connection,” (Forum) Sunday, February 8, 2015; “Watch out for CFIUS,” (Business Workshop) Monday, March 31, 2014; “Watch Japanese Business Etiquette,” (Business Workshop) Monday, November 18, 2013; “Chinese Private Sector would be Ideal Partner,” (Business Forum) Saturday, September 14, 2013; “Guanxi is Not Everything,” (Business Workshop) Monday, May 27, 2013; “Investing in India a Challenge,” (Business Workshop) Monday, April 9, 2012; “Making Research Consortiums Work,” (Business Workshop) Monday, February 6, 2012; “U.S. Must Spend More on Alternative Energy,” (Business Workshop) Saturday, November 26, 2011; “Analyze Taxes When Investing in Asia,” (Business Workshop) Monday, November 14, 2011; “Chinese Solar the Next Big Thing,” (Business Workshop) Monday, September 5, 2011; “Is China’s Open Door Closing?,” (Business Workshop) Wednesday, March 4, 2009; “The Chinese Wild Card,” Wednesday, September 3, 2003; “Many Business Representatives in India Say Economics is Behind U.S.-Iraq War Drums,” Tuesday, February 11, 2003; “Good Morning, Japan,” Friday, December 7, 2001; “China Waxes, Japan Wanes,” Wednesday, September 27, 2000; “The Price of a Rebuff,” Friday, May 19, 2000; “Good News From Asia,” Thursday, November 18, 1999; “The Echo in Hong Kong,” Friday, June 4, 1999; “About that New World Economic Order,” Sunday, December 13, 1998; “The Chinese Threat,” Wednesday, October 14, 1998; “Japan on the Brink,” Wednesday, July 22, 1998; “How to Avoid Asia’s Flu,” Sunday, April 5, 1998; "The Real Lesson of Daiwa Goes Beyond One Bank," Sunday, November 19, 1995; "Clinton Policy on Japan Trade is Off Course," Sunday, July 16, 1995;"Clinton Errs in Placing Sanctions on Japan," Sunday, May 21, 1995.
Industry Week
“Art of Investing in America,” September 4, 2014; “Tectonic Economics,” December 8, 2010.
Pittsburgh Business Times
“The Personal Touch to Doing Business in Asia,” September 13, 2013; “Avoid ‘Dr. No’ in Assessing Risks,” April 12, 2013.
Corporate Counsel's International Advisor
“International Business Law Primer,” January 2012 (reprinted in International Quarterly, April 2012, Volume 24, No. 2); “Doing Business in China and the Pacific Rim,” April 2003 (printed in International Quarterly, Volume 15, No. 2; reprinted in August 2003 supplement to Corporate Counsel’s Guide: Laws of International Trade); “Resolving International Disputes: Courts vs. Arbitration,” February 2003; “The Evolution of American Attitudes Toward Technology Transfer and Investment Strategies: 1977-1997,” May 1998; “Negotiating with the Japanese,” November 1996; "A Future Trend: Japanese/American Strategic Alliances," Issue No. 103, December 1, 1993; "Major International Legal Development of 1988 Affecting the United States," Issue No. 44, January 1989 (reprinted in Corporate Counsel's Quarterly, Volume 5, No. 3, July 1989); "What Japanese Companies (And Others) Are Missing About U.S. Attitudes Toward Protecting Technology," Issue No. 22, March 1987.
ACC Docket
“Is India or China the Savior to the World’s Economy Needs?” (co-authored with Steve Kifer of Koppers, Inc.), June 2009; “Joint Ventures in China: When You’ve Reached the End of the Road” (co-authored with Michael E. Hooton of H.J. Heinz Co.), June 2007.
Association Management (a publication of the American Society of Association Executives)
“Saving the Silver Bullet” (feature article) October 2004; “Safeguarding Trade Secrets Overseas,” (Global Exchange column) December 2003; “Corrupt Practices Are Out,” (Global Exchange column) May 1999; “Crisis Management: Consider a Military Model,” (Leader to Leader column) January 1999; "Help Your Members Crack Overseas Markets,” January 1984.
“The Legal World Turned Upside Down – What it Means for Firms,” Inside Counsel, December 2, 2015.
Strategies (The Journal of Legal Marketing)
“Eight Global Developments Impacting Business Opportunities for Law Firms and their Clients,” September 2003; “The Party is Over: Seven Trends Affecting Legal Service Providers,” March 2002; “Targeting Asian Business Opportunities After the Crash,” October 2000; “Emerging Trends Impacting Law Firms and Industry: ‘New Brand’ Marketing and Other Considerations,” January 2000; “Future Prospects for International Legal Services,” September 1999.
Pennsylvania Bar Association Corporation, Banking And Business Law Newsletter
“India: An Emerging Land of Opportunity” and “SARS and the Asian Economies,” Summer 2003; “Warning Signs for U.S. Business Activities in China,” Fall 2001; “How the Asian Crisis Affects America,” Spring 1998; “Turbulent Times in Asia,” Winter 1998; “Hong Kong: What to Expect in the Future,” Summer 1997; “Avoiding the Pitfalls of the Helms-Burton Law,” Spring 1997; “Important Trademark Developments in Europe,” Winter 1996; “What an Upturn in the Japanese Economy May Mean for Pennsylvania,” Summer 1996; “Dealing with Foreign Lawyers,” Summer 1995; "Devaluation of the Mexican Peso -- Lessons to be Learned," Winter 1995; "Strategies for Overcoming Barriers to Japanese Investment in Southeast Asia," Summer 1994; "The New Strategic Alliance Structure/The Kobe/ALCOA Strategic Alliance," Summer 1993; "Countertrade and Doing Business in the CIS," Spring 1993; "U.S./Japan Relations in the Clinton Era," Winter 1993; "Common Mistakes to Avoid When Doing Business Overseas," Fall 1992; "The Impact on U.S. Companies of the Embargo with Yugoslavia," Summer 1992; "New Japanese Law on Trade Secrets," Summer 1991; "Update on 1989 International Legal Developments," Fall 1989.
“Metals Inroads in China Unlikely in Near Term,” American Metal Market, October 23, 2015.
“An Attractive Option,” Vantage Point column in India Business Law Journal, June 2015.
“The Optimal Buyer for Your Business is Likely to be Large and International,” The CEO Magazine, July 11, 2013.
“Tips for Chinese Investors Abroad,” Shanghai Daily, October 20, 2009.
“No Bailouts Here: The Pittsburgh Lesson,” published in online edition of Financial Executives International, September 29, 2009.
“Successful Strategies for Doing Business in India,” (co-authored with Tanna Moore of Meritas), International Law News (a publication of the American Bar Association), Spring 2009.
“What Business Attorneys Need to Know About IP Law in Asia,” IP Litigator, January/February 2009.
“Understanding Dramatically Different IP Laws in Asian Countries,” Legal Intelligencer (Intellectual Property Section), October 2008.
“Strategies for Doing Business in China,” (co-authored with Tanna Moore of Meritas), Executive Counsel, May/June 2008.
“Winning the China Game: The 10 Great Risks,” TEQ (journal published by the Technology Council), November 2006.
“Enforcing Arbitration Awards in China,” Dispute Resolution Journal (the official publication of the American Arbitration Association), November 2004-January 2005.
“A New Model for Health Care Boards,” (Viewpoint column), Trustee (magazine published by the American Hospital Association), January 2004.
“World-Class Educational Resources Making India a Global Player,” The Nikkei Weekly (a publication of Nihon Keizai Shimbun), November 3, 2003.
“Is There a Future for Japan?” chapter submitted to Licensing Best Practices: The LESI Guide to Strategic Issues and Contemporary Realities (Licensing Executives Society), June 2001.
Forbes Japan
For monthly column An Insider’s View From America: “The MEMS Revolution,” December 2000; “How America Views Asia After the Crash,” November 2000; “An American Perspective on Risk Management,” October 2000; “The Rise of Organized Labor in America,” September 2000; “The Controversy Over Business Method Patents in America,” August 2000; “America’s Healthcare System in Crisis,” July 2000; “U.S. Presidential Politics: Part II,” June 2000; “The Debate Over Genetically Modified Foods,” May 2000; “Microsoft at Risk,” April 2000; “Will Anime Fall Prey to Internet Pirates?,” March 2000; “The New American Worker,” February 2000; “America’s Internet Commerce Revolution,” January 2000; “Is America a Bubble Economy?,” December 1999; “A Predictable Race,” November 1999; “Toyota’s Bad Day,” October 1999; “America Rejects Foreign Dumping,” September 1999; “Summers as Treasury Chief,” August 1999; “China Visits America,” July 1999; “New Technologies From University Research & Development,” June 1999; “The ‘Outside Director’ Trend,” May 1999; “Why Japanese Subsidiaries in America Perform Poorly,” April 1999; “Trade Surplus: Trouble?,” March 1999; “America’s Secret Weapon: The 401(K) Plan,” February 1999.
Dynamic Business
“The Asian Economic Earthquake,” December 1998; "Are Trade Wars Possible With Japan?," September 1993; "What's It All About?," May 1989; "Weaving Through the Export Maze," April 1988; "A New Vehicle to Expand Exports - The Export Trading Company Act of 1982," July/August 1983.
Shukan Diamond (a leading Japanese weekly business news magazine)
“The Emerging Importance of Tissue Engineering,” May 23, 1998 (published in World Influential column); “The Next Wave in Robotics,” October 27, 1997; “Secrets for Establishing High-Technology Companies in America,” June 28, 1997; "The Challenges of Technology for Japanese Multinationals in Asia," August 3, 1996; "Who Will Win the Multimedia Marathon?," January 15, 1996 (published in Global Business, a quarterly special edition published by Shukan Diamond); "The Impending Battle for Control of America," December 23, 1995; "America's Hidden Advantage: Financing New Companies and Fostering Emerging Technologies in America," July 5, 1995 (published in Global Business, a quarterly special edition published by Shukan Diamond); "The Clinton Presidency Under Siege," November 15, 1994; "Secrets to Understanding America: Inside the American Mind," August 13, 1994; "Why America Feels Betrayed by Japan," June 18, 1994; "Strategies for Overcoming Barriers to Japanese Investment in Southeast Asia," May 14, 1994; "Japan and America--Storm Clouds on the Horizon," March 5, 1994; "The Critical Importance of Strategic Trading Alliances in the 1990s," January 29, 1994; "The Mixed Message of President Clinton's Antitrust Policy and What it Means for Japan," November 27, 1993; "Trade Secrets: The Key to Corporate Survival," October 23, 1993; "Guidelines for Japanese Investments in America," September 11, 1993; "A Future Trend: Japanese/American Strategic Alliances," July 31, 1993; "The U.S. Congress, Clinton, and Japan," June 19, 1993; "Prospects for Japanese Companies in the CIS and Europe," May 22, 1993; "What the Japanese Can Expect from President Clinton," April 3, 1993; "What Japan Can Expect from the 1992 Presidential Election," August 1992.
“America’s Changing View of Japan: 1998,” submitted to the Japan-U.S. Public Policy Virtual Conference sponsored by the Dentsu Institute for Human Studies in Tokyo, Japan, January 1998.
“The Importance of Legal Infrastructure to the Success of the Multimedia Super Corridor: An American Perspective,” Malaysia Current Law Journal, November 1997 (Part 2).
“Japanese Companies Ripe for Joint Ventures,” Roundtable, Corporate Legal Times, March 1997 (Dennis Unkovic serving as moderator in panel discussion).
“Japanese Lawyers Stress Commonalities in Law Practice,” Roundtable, U.S. Business Litigation, February 1997 (Dennis Unkovic serving as moderator in panel discussion)
“Avoiding the Pitfalls of the Helms-Burton Law,” International Trade Committee Newsletter (a publication of the Inter-Pacific Bar Association), Issue 2, Winter 1997.
"Negotiating with the Japanese," Understanding Japan: Business, Culture, Technology, Carnegie Mellon University Graduate School of Industrial Administration and the Japanese Science and Technology Management Program (JSTMP), 1995 (monograph of proceedings from the 1993 and 1994 Japanese Business Lecture Series).
"Insider's View of CIS Countertrade," Finance & Treasury, Weekly Report for International Trade Executives, November 21, 1994 (Part Two published in November 28, 1994 issue).
"A Future Trend: Japanese/American Strategic Alliances," Transnational Joint Ventures, Business Laws, Inc., August 1994.
The Japan Times
"Clinton Remains an Enigma," January 1, 1993 (reprinted in Japan Times International Weekly Edition, January 10, 1993); "Intellectual Property Issue Deserves Greater Corporate Attention," August 31, 1992; "U.S. Still a Technological Power," July 4, 1991; "Technology in the '90s: Conflict, Cooperation for Japan and the U.S.," March 18, 1991 (reprinted in Venture Japan, June 1991).
"Doing Legal Business in the Eastern Bloc," The Dickinson Lawyer, Winter 1992 (co-written with Nancy J. LaMont).
"The Impact on U.S. Companies of the Embargo With Yugoslavia," International and Comparative Law Newsletter, September 1992.
"U.S. Presidential Politics and Japan," (in Japanese) Trends Magazine, July 7, 1992.
"Is Conflict Inevitable for Japan and America," (in Japanese) This is Yomiuri, September 1991.
"Export Control Changes Flow Rapidly in the Wake of Political Upheaval in Eastern Europe, Soviet Union," BNA's Corporate Counsel Weekly, June 25, 1990.
"Technology and the Future," The Nihon Keizai Shimbun, Japan, August 9, 1988.
"The Impact of Intellectual Property Rights on the Worldwide Transfer of Technology," Guest Editor, Portfolio - International Economic Perspectives, Volume 12, No. 1, 1987.
"Attacking the Trade Deficit," Policy Perspectives on National Industrial Development, Michigan Yearbook of International Legal Studies, Volume VI, 1986.
"The Impact of Intellectual Property on the Transfer of Technology and Foreign Investment," conference on U.S.-Taiwan Economic Relations, Chung-Hua Institution for Economic Research, Conference Series No. 5, Taipei, Taiwan, March 1985.
"Joint Ventures and the Export Trading Company Act," The University of Pittsburgh School of Law Journal of Law & Commerce, Volume 5, Issue 2, 1985.
"Attacking the Trade Deficit," Michigan Yearbook of International Legal Studies, Volume VI, 1984.
"The Export Trading Company Act of 1982: Invitation to Aggressive Export Expansion," Dickinson Law Review, Winter Issue, 1983 (reprinted in Lawyers Brief, Volume 13, Issue 6, March 31, 1983) (co-written with Nancy J. LaMont).
"Protecting Information in Joint Venture Talks," Boardroom Reports, Volume 12, No. 4, February 15, 1983.
"Liable or Not? A Precautionary Guide to U.S. Product Liability Laws," published in the Federal Republic of Germany by Commerce in Germany, No. 2, February 1983.
Legal Environment for Foreign Direct Investment in the United States, (contributing author), published by the International Law Institute of the Georgetown University Law Center, 1981.
Articles written for Direct Investments/U.S.A.: "Protecting Know-How in Joint Venture Negotiations," February 7, 1979; "Protecting Proprietary Information During Joint Venture Negotiations," October 4, 1978; "How the U.S. Legal System Makes Use of Lawyers," February 20, 1978.
"Negotiating and Preparing an International Licensing Agreement," The Practical Lawyer, Volume 25, No. 1, January 15, 1979.
"Patent Law Reform: A Legislative Perspective of an Extended Gestation," William & Mary Law Review, Volume 16, No. 4, Summer 1975.
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